1.    What is similar to or different from our customs? What is most different from how you live at home? What is the same? why aren't things the same? What should happen if we lived like they did?
    * South America is mostly the same as ours because they have differnet races and sex like us and they have immigration like we do. The most differnet ways we live at home is how they have more per household than we do. The same way we live at home is that we both live with our family's. Things arent the same because we live in differnet places and make differnet incomes. If we all lkived the same we woulnt be differnet from other people or places and our lifes would be boring.
2.    What famous site did you visit while in the region? What is it's significance? Why is it famous? How does it represent the area or the culture? Give some facts about the site you visit.
   * I visited Angel Falls in Venezuela, (in the western part of Canaima National Park) its one of the highest and tallest  waterfall in the world. Its significance it is the tallest waterfall in the world and it is an important hidric resource. Angel Falls is famous because its highest and the tallest waterfall. It represents the culture by showing the art , folklore, and ancient cuisine within the waterfall. Fact* The base of the falls feeds into the Kerep River (alternatively known as the Río
Gauya), which flows into the Churun River, a tributary of the Carrao


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2012

