3.    When i was in South America a hurrican hit. The people didn't know what to do, but the the contacted serviers that have been through this siuation before they helped the their committie get trough it. their lifes have been changed in may ways that you can't imangin it until you have expericanced it. They are stressing out but they are getting through it together as a committie not alone.

4.    What major industries exist in the region? How do the people make money? What are their major imports and exports? Is there a large portion of the population in poverty or are the people generally well off? How will these things impact  celebrate their history?
    Major industries in South America are agriculture, and other important industries like fishing, natural resources, handicrafts. Trade is also an important part of the economy. They make their money by having jobs and trading. They expertise on the many political, economic, and security issues. I think they would be well off because they have high poverty. It impacts them celebrating their histiory by h


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2012

